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GameStop Short Squeeze Explained. Reddit & Robinhood Fuel The Mania!

Hi everyone!

What happened with GameStop stock?

If you've been watching the news or following the markets, you've obviously seen or heard about the massive moves in GameStop stock this week, along with many others like AMC Theaters, Black Berry, Nokia, & Bed, Bath & Beyond.

The "short squeeze" that resulted was one like I've never seen before.

It created instant millionaires while causing very powerful hedge funds to be out billions of dollars.

In this video, I detail what happened with GameStop and how the short squeeze occurred. I also discuss how Reddit and Robinhood helped fuel part of the mania.

In addition to that, I also analyze various stock charts in the video as part of my "Saturday Synopsis", to comment on last week's trading activity and what may lay ahead for next week.

Just click below to watch the video:

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Lastly, shoot us an email with any questions or feedback you may have. We love hearing from you!

Have a great week!

Until next time.

- Lee


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