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New Trade!

New Trade! Hello Smart Option Sellers! With President Trump calling for more delays in the U.S.-China trade war truce, the markets are selling off pretty hard this morning. And this is on top of the down-move we had yesterday. This is probably a well-needed pull-back though, as there's been an unabated rally since mid-October. Let's use this market scenario as an opportunity to hop into a new trade. Oracle (ORCL) Jumping back in. Yes, we just closed out a profitable put-sell trade on ORCL a few weeks ago, and now with the pull-back, it's time to hop in again. With ORCL stock near $54.60, we'll be using a strike price with $12 of downside cushion, which equates to a solid 22% buffer. Here's what you can choose to do: Sell (sell-to-open) the ORCL March 20, 2020 $42.50 strike put option contracts for a limit sell price of $.25 per contract or higher, GTC, as an opening transaction (sell-to-open). Currently, this put option has a market of $.32 bid/$.34 offer, so we can definitely sell these for higher than $.25 per contract. Do not sell for anything less than $.25 per contract. Kellogg (K) Last week we placed a put-sell trade on K that I mentioned didn't have enough volume to call it official. Well, I heard from a couple of Smart Option Seller members who told me they did in fact get filled at our price of $.25 per contract. I'm going to add it to the portfolio for now but I know a number of you haven't been filled yet. Keep the sell order working "GTC" for $.25 per contract at this time. Here's what we did: Sold (sold-to-open) the March 20, 2020 K $52.50 strike put option contracts for an official sale price of $.25 per contract as an opening transaction (sell-to-open). Remember, do not sell for anything less than $.25 per contract. Housekeeping Notes I mentioned the other day about following me on social media (Facebook & Twitter), so I'm listing the information again below in case it was passed over. I post extra content on both Twitter & Facebook. If you are on either of those social platforms, please check in at least once a week to see what free material I'm offering. I post educational articles about options trading, and other stock market news. This is just another way to help take your trading game to the next level. You can find me on Twitter using the handle @smartoptseller or by clicking here And on Facebook as The Smart Option Seller or by clicking here Have a look, and if you would be so kind, please "follow", "like" & "re-tweet" my posts. By doing so helps others to see what we're doing. That's all for now. Get those ORCL orders in there and let us know how you do. Continue to hold all other open positions as-is. Contact us here with fills, comments, questions or concerns. Regards,

Lee Let's Grab That Cash!

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