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Friday Update

Friday Update Hello Smart Option Sellers! I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday yesterday (if you celebrated). Mine was spent with about 30 family members. Good food and football. Kellogg (K) On Wednesday we placed a new put-sell trade on K. Unfortunately, the bid price dropped pretty quickly after our orders went in and only a very few traded at our price of $.25 per contract. If you got filled, please shoot us an email. I won't call it official yet since not enough volume occurred. Continue to work the sell orders "GTC" for now. The instructions are listed below again for reference: Here's what you can choose to do: Sell (sell-to-open) the March 20, 2020 K $52.50 strike put option contracts for a limit sell price of $.25 per contract or higher, GTC, as an opening transaction (sell-to-open). Do not sell for anything less than $.25 per contract. Friday Q&A Just one question to go over today. Q: I was just looking at bank of America.

I don’t see it in your archives in the last 3 months. It is trading at 33.42 and is in the top 10 S&P 500 companies. Is there a specific reason why it is not included? Sorry, I am just trying to understand and also don’t know how to play it yet since I am so new.

I like the Walmart play btw, though I don’t always understand the graph included.

Lastly, you mention that there is Q&A that is sent out? Is there another email I should Q*A too? A: Thanks for the questions. I get lots of requests and comments from our members about my feelings on certain stocks and/or why don't we sell a put option on it. I look at hundreds of stocks each week and when I find an opportunity that meets our criteria, I pass it along to everyone. Some make the cut, and some don't. But, that doesn't mean you can't go for it on your own if you feel it meets your own requirements. We all have different levels and thresholds for market risk. Yours may be different than mine and everyone else's. Doesn't mean you can't take advantage of it. Also, if you are one of our newer members, please take some time to read the materials in the Members-Only section of the website to get up to speed on how and why we make these trades. And, read (or re-read) our "Put-Selling Basics" guide, which is also in the Members-Only pages. As far as the Walmart unofficial trade - I'm not sure which chart you are referring to. Is it the stock chart link I included, or is it the actual instructions on which put option to sell? Write us back if you wish. Lastly, we will have this Friday Q&A section as long as enough questions come in. You can always write to me. Housekeeping Notes I mentioned the other day about following me on social media (Facebook & Twitter), so I'm listing the information again below in case it was passed over. I post extra content on both Twitter & Facebook. If you are on either of those social platforms, please check in at least once a week to see what free material I'm offering. I post educational articles about options trading, and other stock market news. This is just another way to help take your trading game to the next level. You can find me on Twitter using the handle @smartoptseller or by clicking here And on Facebook as The Smart Option Seller or by clicking here Have a look, and if you would be so kind, please "follow", "like" & "re-tweet" my posts. By doing so helps others to see what we're doing. That's all for today. The markets close early at 1pm ET. Continue to hold all other open positions as-is. Contact us here with fills, comments, questions or concerns. Have a great weekend! Regards,

Lee Let's Grab That Cash!

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