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Trade Update - EMR

Trade Update

Hello Smart Option Sellers! Emerson Electric (EMR) Yesterday we placed a buy-back order at $.05 per contract on our EMR put-sell position to close it out for a gain. There were a handful of orders that went through at our price, and I also got confirmation from a few Smart Option Seller members that they were filled. Although we could consider this trade closed and book the gains, I'd like to wait for more fills to come through at $.05 from other members before calling it official. We don't operate like some other advisories who just take the lowest price seen on the day as their buy price and the highest price seen on the day as their sell price. These are phantom gains that may or may not have occurred for any of their members. We are completely transparent here and only wait for confirmed fills from our members. No fudging of numbers on our part! For those of you who have been filled, congrats. For those of you who have not been filled, just keep working your order GTC (good-till-cancelled). It will only be a matter of time. Amazon Strikes Again? Some interesting news this morning that has other brick & mortar retail stores shaking a bit. Seems Amazon (AMZN) has just partnered with Sears (SHLD) in selling their Kenmore appliances directly through Amazon's website. See the story here. This has knocked big home-improvement stores like Home Depot (HD) & Lowes (LOW) for a loop this morning. See HD's chart here and LOW's chart here. Not sure what kind of long-term effect it will have on that sector, but I will be digging a little deeper to see if either one of those plays are worthy of a new trade. Both are quality stocks for sure, and I know in the short amount of time we'd hold the position, neither would go out of business in that time frame. Stay tuned! Amazon also recently upset the food industry by buying Whole Foods (WFM) which I mentioned in a previous alert. This spurred us to take action on a new trade in Wal-Mart (WMT), which is moving in the right direction. Amazon is out to dominate the world. Let's see how far they can take it. That's all for now. Continue to hold all other trades as-is. See the Current Portfolio below for current prices & instructions. Quick note on the Current Portfolio - if you are a new subscriber and don't have a position yet on any of our trades, make sure you enter your order at the original recommended sell prices. Do not enter any order at current prices unless it's higher than the official recommendation. If you are unsure or have any questions, please ask us! Regards, Lee Let's Grab That Cash!

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